Skin Classic | Lakeland, Florida | Skin & Tonic


Do you have dark brown spots, raised bumps on the skin which you cannot remove or embarrassing skin tags? Then this treatment is a must for you. These procedures can achieve results that some lasers cannot. You will be amazed with the results from our Skin Classic treatments. We can treat irregularities that you thought were permanent!

This technique uses high frequency electrical current to dehydrate superficial layers of the particular skin condition in order to allow new, healthy skin to grow in its place.  Skin Classic is not a laser treatment, treatments are quick, and may not even touch the skins surface. With little discomfort and short healing time, from four to five days to a few weeks for larger skin abnormalities. This affordable treatment is your laser alternative!

Skin Classic treats the following conditions:    

  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia

  • Milia

  • Cherry Angioma

  • Skin Tag

  • Clogged Pore

  • Broken Capillaries

  • Fibroma

  • Keratosis


Yes and no. After the treatment the irregularity will produce an epidermal crust that looks like a scab-like crust over the area. This will fall off on its own within 3-7 days.  During the healing process you can wear makeup but be very careful to not prematurely remove the crust/scab while cleansing the skin. After the crust/scab sloughs off, the skin may look pinkish or brownish for up to 6-8 weeks as the new skin goes through the complete healing cycle and re-melanizes.


It is important to understand that we do not diagnose these irregularities. We strongly advise you to have your doctor examine any spot that is questionable and confirm what type of irregularity is it. We will not treat any lesion that we feel is not safe to do so.

After a Skin Classic Treatment expect the following:

  • Some Irritation as well as redness and some crusting may form on areas treated.

  • Make sure you DO NOT pick, rub or scrub at the crusting. Prematurely removing the crust may cause hyperpigmentation or scarring.

  • Keep skin clean and DRY during the day until the scab sloughs off. Use a gentle cleanser and pat dry.

  • ONLY Mineral Makeup Powder may be worn until the scab sloughs off.

  • MUST use moisturizing sun block everyday, rain or shine.

  • AVOID direct sunlight immediately following treatment.

  • Pat dry instead of rubbing to prevent removal of crust.

  • After crust sloughs the skin may be pink. Be sure to wear SPF 30 or higher.